Saturday, April 10, 2021







1. ________  in  statistics means the whole of the information which comes under the purview of statistical investigation

(A) trial
(B) event  
(C) sample  
(D) Population
2. A part of the population selected for study is called  _________
(A) Continuous
(B) event 
(C) Sample
(D) infinite population     
3.The number of individuals included in the _______ sample is called the size of the sample
(A)  infinite Sample 
(B) finite Sample
(C)  definite 
(D) indefinite      
4. Any statistical measure computed from population data is  known as  _______
(A) Sample  
(B) Parameter
(C)  statistic
(D) Data    
5.Any statistical measure computed from sample data is  known as   ________
(A) Parameter
(B) statistic
(C) Sample  
(D)  data  
6.The mean of population is ________
(B) $\sigma$
(C) P
7. The Standard deviation  of population is_________
(A)  $\mu$
(B) $\sigma$
(C) P
(D) N         
8. The Population  of population is _______
(A)  $\mu$
(B) $\sigma$
(C) P
(D) N    
9.The Size  of population is _______

(A)  $\mu$
(B) $\sigma$
(C) P
(D) N    
10.The Size  of Sample is ________
(A) $\bar{x}$
(B) s
(C) p        
11.The Population  of Sample is ______
(A) $\bar{x}$
(B) s
(C) p        
12. The Standard deviation  of Sample is ________
(A) $\bar{x}$
(B) s
(C) p        
13.The Mean   of Sample is _________
(A) $\bar{x}$
(B) s
(C) p        
14._______ the procedure of selecting a sample from the population
(A) parameter
(B) population
(C) Sampling
(D) mean
15. ______the method of selecting of a sample in such a way that each and every member of population or universe has an equal chance or probability of being included in the sample 
(A) Multi-stage Sampling
(B)  Systematic Sampling
(C) Stratified Sampling
(D)  Simple Random Sampling

16._________the population is divided into strata (groups) before the sample is drawn 
(A) Multi-stage Sampling
(B)  Systematic Sampling
(C)  Stratified Sampling     
(D)  Simple Random Sampling
17._________method every elementary unit of the population is arranged in order and the sample units are distributed at equal and regular interval 

(A) Multi-stage Sampling
(B) Systematic Sampling            
(C) Stratified Sampling
(D) Simple Random Sampling
18.__________Sample of elementary units is selected in stages.Firstly a sample of cluster is selected and from among them a sample of elementary units is selected 
(A)Multi-stage Sampling       
(B) Systematic Sampling  
(C)  Stratified Sampling
(D)  Simple Random Sampling
19.The estimate of a population parameter given by a single number is called the __________ of the parameter 
(A)  Point Estimation}    
(B)  Interval Estimation
(C)  Confidence Interval
(D)   Fiducial Limits   
20.The probability that we associate with an interval is called the _______     
(A) Interval Estimation
(B) Confidence Interval }
(C)  Point Estimation
(D) Fiducial Limits  

21.  The ________ proportion P is the ratio of the number of elements possessing a characteristic to the total number of elements in the population

(A)  sampling
(B)   parameter
(C)  Population   
(D)  Sample

22.The _______proportion p is the ratio of the number of elements possessing a characteristic to the total number of elements in the sample

(A)  sampling
(B)   parameter
(C)  Population  
(D)  Sample

 23.The mean of sampling distribution of p  ________ the population proportion .,i.eE(p)=P

(A)   Greater than
(B)  Less than
(C)  Not equal
(D)  Equal

24. t-Distribution is a symmetrical distribution with mean  _________

(A)  two
(B)  not zero
(C) zero         
(D)  one  

25.The shape of the curve of t-distribution varies with the degrees of freedom.The degree of freedom is defined as ___________

(A) n-1     
(B)  n+1
(C)  n-2
(D)  n+2

26. Sampling distribution of t does not depend on population parameter but it depends only on v= ____________

(A) n-1     
(B)  n+1
(C)  n-2
(D)  n+2

27. $S.E(\bar{x})=$_________  when $\sigma$ the standard deviation of the normal population $\sigma$ is known

(A)  $  \frac{\sigma}{n}$
(B)  $  \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$     
(C)  $  \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}$
(D)   $  \frac{1}{n}$

28.$S.E(\bar{x})=$_________ when $\sigma$ the standard deviation of the normal population $\sigma$ is not known 

(A) $  \frac{s}{n-1}$
(B)  $  \frac{s}{\sqrt{n-1}}$    
(C)  $  \frac{1}{\sqrt{n-1}}$
(D)  $  \frac{1}{n-1}$

29.   Confidence Interval=_______ when $\sigma$ is known and population is normal or any population with large  n  

(A)  $[ \bar{x}-\frac{\sigma}{n} \times Z_{\alpha},\bar{x}+\frac{\sigma}{n} \times Z_{\alpha}] $ 
(B)  $[ \bar{x}\times \frac{\sigma}{n} \times Z_{\alpha},\bar{x}+\frac{\sigma}{n} \times Z_{\alpha}] $
(C)  $[ \bar{x}-\frac{\sigma}{n} \times Z_{\alpha},\bar{x} \times \frac{\sigma}{n} \times Z_{\alpha}] $
(D)   $[ \bar{x} \times \frac{\sigma}{n} \times Z_{\alpha},\bar{x} \times \frac{\sigma}{n} \times Z_{\alpha}] $

30.  Confidence Interval=_______-  when $\sigma$ is unknown with large  n

(A)  $[ \bar{x}-\frac{s}{\sqrt{n-1}} \times Z_{\alpha},\bar{x} \times \frac{s}{\sqrt{n-1}} \times Z_{\alpha}] $
(B)  $[ \bar{x}\times \frac{s}{\sqrt{n-1}} \times Z_{\alpha},\bar{x}+\frac{s}{\sqrt{n-1}} \times Z_{\alpha}] $
(C) $[ \bar{x}-\frac{s}{\sqrt{n-1}} \times Z_{\alpha},\bar{x}+\frac{s}{\sqrt{n-1}} \times Z_{\alpha}] $  
(D)  $[ \bar{x} \times \frac{s}{\sqrt{n-1}} \times Z_{\alpha},\bar{x} \times \frac{s}{\sqrt{n-1}} \times Z_{\alpha}] $


31. The Poisson  Distribution of Moment measure of kurtosis $(\gamma_2) ___________

(A)  $\sqrt{\lambda}$
(B)  $\lambda$
(C) $ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\lambda}}$     
(D)   $\frac{1}{\lambda} $ 

32. The interval estimation of a population parameter $\theta$ is the estimation of the parameter $\theta$ with the help of the interval ___________

(A)  $[t-s,t+s] $    
(B) $[ts,ts] $
(C) $[ts,t+s] $
(D)  $[t-s,ts] $

33. The population size is infinitely large or the sample is drawn with replacement,The Standard Error of sample proportion is $S.E(p)=$ ______ if P is known

(A)   $\frac{P}{n}$
(B)  $\frac{PQ}{n}$     
(C)  $\frac{Q}{n}$
(D)  $\frac{PQ}{n}$

34. The population size is infinitely large or the sample is drawn with replacement,The Standard Error of sample proportion is $S.E(p)=$ ______  if P is unknown

(A)\choice  $\frac{p}{n}$
(B)  $\frac{pq}{n}$     
(C)  $\frac{q}{n}$
(D) $\frac{pq}{n}$

35. The population size is finite  and  the sample is drawn without replacement,The Standard Error of sample proportion is $S.E(p)=$ ________  if P is known

(A) $\frac{Q}{n}\times\sqrt{\frac{N-n}{N-1}} $
(B) $\frac{PQ}{n}\times\sqrt{\frac{N-n}{N-1}} $     
(C)  $\frac{P}{n}\times\sqrt{\frac{N-n}{N-1}} $
(D)  $\frac{PQ}{n}+\sqrt{\frac{N-n}{N-1}} $

36. The population size is finite  and  the sample is drawn without replacement,The Standard Error of sample proportion is $S.E(p)=$ ______  if P is unknown

(A)  $\frac{q}{n}\times\sqrt{\frac{N-n}{N-1}} $
(B)  $\frac{pq}{n}\times\sqrt{\frac{N-n}{N-1}} $     
(C)  $\frac{p}{n}\times\sqrt{\frac{N-n}{N-1}} $
(D) $\frac{pq}{n}+\sqrt{\frac{N-n}{N-1}} $

37. The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of sample mean. if is denoted by $\sigma_{\bar{x}}$ and is given by $\sigma_{\bar{x}}=$_______  where $\sigma$ is the standard deviation of population and n is the sample size

(A)  $\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n^2}}$
(B)  $\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n+1}}$
(C)   $\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n-1}}$
(D)  $\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}$   

38. The proportion of all possible samples of the same size drawn from a population.It is denoted by $s_p$ and is given by  $s_p= $   If P is known

(A)  $  \sqrt{\frac{PQ}{n^2}}$
(B)  $ \sqrt{\frac{PQ}{n}}$
(C)  $  \sqrt{\frac{PQ}{n-1}}$
(D)   $  \sqrt{\frac{PQ}{n+1}}$

39.___________means drawing conclusions about some matters on the basis of certain results 

(A)  Tests of Significance
(B) Statistical Inference   
(C) Statistical Estimation
(D)   Statistic

40. Sampling theory helps in __________ about the population characteristics on the basis of suitable statistic computed from a sample drawn from such parent population 

(A)  Tests of Significance}
(B) Statistical Inference 
(C)  Statistical Estimation
(D)  Statistic

41. ________it helps in estimating an unknown the population parameter computed from the sample drawn from such parent population 

(A) Statistical Inference  
(B)  Tests of Significance
(C) Statistical Estimation 
(D)  Statistic

42._______  is the method of sampling by which a sample is drawn from a population based entirely on the personal judgement of the investigator.It is also known as Judgement Sampling or Deliberate Sampling

(A)  Cluster Sampling
(B)  Purposive Sampling    
(C) Quota Sampling
(D)   Convenience Sampling

43. ________ involves arranging  elementary items in a population into heterogeneous subgroups that are representative of the overall population 

(A)  Cluster Sampling     
(B)  Purposive Sampling
(C)  Quota Sampling
(D)   Convenience Sampling

44. ___________quotas are fixed according to the basic parameter of the population determined earlier and each field investigator is assigned with quotas of number of elementary units to be interviewed

(A)  Purposive Sampling
(B)   Cluster Sampling
(C) Quota Sampling      
(D)   Convenience Sampling

45.  _________a sample is obtained by selecting convenient population elements from the population 

(A)  Purposive Sampling
(B)   Cluster Sampling
(C) Quota Sampling      
(D)   Convenience Sampling     

46. _________a number of sample lots are drawn one after another from the population depending on the results of the earlier samples drawn from the same population

(A)   Purposive Sampling
(B)   Cluster Sampling
(C)  Quota Sampling
(D)  Sequential Sampling 

47.  A statistics $t=t_n=t(x_1,x_2,x_3,\dots,x_n)$ based on the sample size n is said to be ________estimator of the parameter $\theta$ if $t_n \to \theta $ as $ n \to \infty$   

(A)  Efficiency
(B)  Consistency     
(C)  Sufficiency
(D)  Unbiasedness

48. ________ an estimator with lesser variability is said to be more efficient and consequently more reliable than the other  

(A) Consistency
(B)  Sufficiency
(C)  Efficiency    
(D)  Unbiasedness

49. A statistic $t=t(x_1,x_2,x_3,\dots,x_n)$ is said to b a _________ estimator of parameter $\theta$ if it contains all the information in the sample regarding the parameter.   

(A) Consistency
(B)  Efficiency
(C)  Sufficiency   
(D)  Unbiasedness

50.  A statistic $t=t(x_1,x_2,x_3,\dots,x_n)$ is said to be an  _______estimate of the corresponding population parameter $\theta$ ,if $E(t)=\theta$ the mean value of the sampling distribution of the statistic t is equal to the parameter of the population

(A)  Consistency
(B)  Efficiency
(C)  Sufficiency
(D) Unbiasedness 


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