Thursday, April 8, 2021






1.A set of all possible outcomes from an experiment is called a __________
     (B)event point
      (C)sample point

      (D)Sample Space
2. A sample space whose elements are finite or infinite but countable is called a _________
      (A) Continuous  Sample Space
      (B) event point

      (C) Discrete Sample Space
      (D)sample point    
3. A sample space whose elements are  infinite and uncountable is called a _____
      (A)  Discrete Sample Space

      (B)Continuous  Sample Space
      (C) event point
      (D) sample point   

4. A sub collection of a number of sample points under a definite rule or law is called an _________
      (A)  Discrete Sample Space

      (B) event
      (C)  Continuous  Sample Space
      (D) sample            

5.An event having no sample point is called a ________and is denoted by     $ \phi $
      (A)  Discrete Sample Space

      (B) null event
      (C) Continuous  Sample Space
      (D) sample  
6.An event consisting of only one  sample point of a  sample space  is called a________
     (A)Simple event
      (B) Discrete Sample Space
      (C)  Continuous  Sample Space
      (D) sample 
7.An event is decompose into a number of simple events i called a ___________
    (A) compound event
    (B)  Discrete Sample Space
    (C)  Continuous  Sample Space
     (D) sample
8.Events are said to be _________ if there is no reason to expect any one in preference to other
      (A) Discrete Sample Space

      (B) Equally likely event
      (C) Continuous  Sample Space
      (D) sample
9.The Probability of an event which is certain to occur is ____________
      (A) 0
      (B) 2
10.The Probability of an impossible event is ______________
      (A) 3
      (B) 2
      (C) 1    
11.What is the probability of getting a total of more than 1o in a single throw with two dice? 
      (A) 1/12
      (B)  4/12
      (C)  3/12
      (D) 5/12  
12. A random variable is said to be ________ if it takes only a finite or an infinite but countable number of values 
       (A)   continuous  Random variable
       (B)  Discrete Random variable
       (C)   stochastic variable
       (D)  random variable      
13.A discrete random variable X the real valued function P(x) is called ______ or probability density function of discrete random variable x   
       (A) Probability mass function
       (B) probability distribution
       (C) Probability function
       (D) cumulative  distribution 
14. If P(x) is a probability function of a random variable X then P(x) is positive for all value of x i.e.________
       (A)  p(x)>0
       (B)  p(x) < 0
       (C)  p(x) $\geq $ 0
       (D)  p(x) $ \leq $  0 
15.If P(x) is a probability function of a random variable X then Total of all values of p(x) for different x is always _______i.e., $ \sum p(x)=1 $ summation is taken over for all values of x.
       (A)  4
       (B) 3
       (C) 2
       (D) 1 
16.If P(x) is a probability function of a random variable X then P(x) cannot be _______  for any value of x
       (A)  division
       (B)  multiplication
       (C) negative     
       (D)  positive
17. If X is discrete random variable, then its probability function p(x) is discrete probability function,It is also called _________
       (A)  Probability function
       (B)  Probability mass function
       (C)  probability distribution
       (D)  cumulative  distribution
18. A ________  is random variable that can take on any value in an interval of two numbers
       (A) continuous  Random variable  
       (B) Discrete Random variable
      (C) stochastic variable
      (D) random variable  
19. __________ is a discrete probability distribution which is obtained when the probability p of the happening of an event is same in all the trials, and there are only two events in each trial.
     (A)  Binomial Distribution 
     (B)  Poisson Distribution
     (C)  Normal Distribution
     (D) Exponential Distribution  
20.  The distribution $ P(r)=C(n,r) P^r q^{n-r} $ is _______
     (A)  Poisson Distribution
      (B) Binomial Distribution
      (C) Normal Distribution
      (D) Exponential Distribution 
21. Mean of Binomial Distribution ___________
    (A)  npq
    (B)  n
    (C) np    
    (D) p 
22. Variance of Binomial Distribution __________
    (A)  npq
    (B)  n
    (C) np    
    (D) p
23. Standard deviation of Binomial Distribution __________
    (A)  $\sqrt{npq}$
    (B)  n
    (C) np    
    (D) p 
24. Binomial Distribution will be symmetrical if __________ although with n tending to be large it is approximately so
   (A)  $p \neq q$
   (B)  p<q
   (C)   p>q
   (D)   p=q  
 25.  Binomial Distribution will be skew-symmetrical or asymmetric if  _________although with n tending to be large it is approximately so
   (A)  $p \neq q$
   (B)  p<q
   (C)   p>q
   (D)   p=q   
26. The Binomial Distribution n is always a ________ integer
(A) Negative
(B) Positive  
(C) Not Positive
(D)  Not Negative

27.The Poisson  Distribution of mean __________
(A) n
(B) $ \lambda$     
(C) p
(D)  q

29.The Poisson  Distribution of variance _________

(A) n
(B) $ \lambda$ 
(C) p
(D)  q
 30. The Poisson  Distribution of standard deviation __________
 (A) n
$ \sqrt{\lambda}$
(C) p
(D)  q

 30.   The Poisson  Distribution of Moment measure of skewness  $(\gamma_1) $______
(A) $\sqrt{\lambda}$
(B) $ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\lambda}}$  
(C) $\lambda$
(D) $\frac{1}{\lambda} $

31.The Poisson  Distribution of Moment measure of kurtosis $(\gamma_2)_____
(A)  $\sqrt{\lambda}$
(B)  $\lambda$
(C) $ \frac{1}{\sqrt{\lambda}}$     
(D)  $\frac{1}{\lambda} $

32 . The Poisson  Distribution of the random variable X should be __________
(A) Discrete     
(B) Not Discrete
(C) Continuous
(D) Not Continuous
33. The Binomial  Distribution of the random variable X should be __________ 
(A) Not Discrete
(B) Discrete     
(C) Continuous
(D) Not Continuous
34. The Binomial  Distribution P(x)=_______________
(A) $\frac{e^{-\lambda} \lambda^{x}}{x!} $
(B) ${}^nC_r.P^x.q^{x-r}$     
(C) $\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma}$
(D) $\frac{1}{b-a}$ 
35.The Poisson  Distribution P(x)= _____________
(A)  ${}^nC_r.P^x.q^{x-r}$
(B) $\frac{e^{-\lambda} \lambda^{x}}{x!} $   
(C) $\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma}$
(D) $\frac{1}{b-a}$

36.The Normal  Distribution Z= _____________
(A)  ${}^nC_r.P^x.q^{x-r}$
(B) $\frac{e^{-\lambda} \lambda^{x}}{x!} $   
(C) $\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma}$
(D) $\frac{1}{b-a}$
37. The  curve of Normal  Distribution has a single peak .it is ___________
(A) kurtosis
(B) skewness
(C) Not uni modal
(D) Uni modal
38.The Uniform  Distribution P(x)= ____________
(A) ${}^nC_r.P^x.q^{x-r}$
(B) $\frac{1}{b-a}$    
(C) $\frac{e^{-\lambda} \lambda^{x}}{x!} $
(D) $\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma}$

 39. The Uniform  Distribution Mean ______
(A)  $\frac{b+a}{2}$
(B) $\frac{b-a}{2}$    
(C) b-a
(D) b+a
40. The Uniform  Distribution Variance ______________
(A)  $\frac{(b+a)^2}{12}$
(B)  $\frac{(b-a)^2}{12}$   
(C) b-a
(D) b+a

41.The normal probability curve X axis is  ______to the curve
(A) vertical
(B) asymptote    
(C) Not asymptote
(D) Not vertical

42. The Poisson distribution its arithmetic mean in absolute distribution is _______
(A) n
(B)  np     
(C) p
(D) npq

43. The Poisson distribution its arithmetic mean in relative distribution is _______
(A)  p     
(B) np
(C) p
(D) npq
44. The Poisson distribution has ________one parameter 
(A) one     
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four
45. The Binomial coefficient are given by the ___________
(A) Not Pascal's Triangle
(B) uni modal
(C) Not uni modal
(D) Pascal's Triangle     

46. The Normal distribution of two tails of the curve extend indefinitely and never touch the  __________  line   
(A) not horizontal
(B) Horizontal    
(C) asymptotic
(D) vertical

47. The information collected through censuses and surveys or in a routine manner or other sources is a  __________
(A) not data
(B) Data     
(C) information
(D) not information
48. The data collected by a particular person or organization  for his own use from the primary source
(A) secondary data
(B) Primary Data   
(C) not primary data
(D) not secondary data 
 49. The data collected by some other person or organization  for their  own use but  the investigator also gets it for his use 
(A) secondary data   
(B) Primary Data
(C) not primary data
(D) not secondary data
50. A ____ variables x is real valued function defined on a sample space of an experiment   
(A) Ranndom    
(B) not random
(C) sample space
(D) space

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